Christine's Family Blog

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Packing for the Conference

The 2nd International Babywearing Conference is just 11 days away. It's being held here in Chicago at DePaul's Lincoln Park campus. I'm on the planning committee and one of the co-chairs for the Fashion Show.

I don't blog. But I figured that I'll have LOADS of free time during the conference (ha, ha!)....and I want to share my experiences w/ all my BWing friends who can't make it this year.

Today, we started packing. I have a HUGE three page checklist of everything you could possibly need for traveling w/ children. I've been using the same one for the past 5 years. So today, I took the time to actually type it up.

I'm also doing a BWing workshop on Wednesday of this week. So I'm trying to pack a bag of carriers for that. And choosing which carriers to bring to the Conference. Then I decided that a few needed a bath...... Now I have pouches and ring slings drying on the clothesline. Tomorrow, I'll wash the wraps and MT's.

Now I feel like a big dork. Many carriers have names. Some even develop personalities. But now I'm feeling guilty, b/c some aren't coming to the Conference. Easycare #3 Lagun. The first wrap that really worked for us. But I'd rather bring my blue whales vat for rucking. I feel silly for feeling guilty. Surely, this is a sign that I need to get out of the house more.

I also made a list of all the food we're taking. My goal is to only eat out once a day during the Conference. And bring enough for all our other meals and snacks. And, of course, anything allergen-free that Frankie and I will need. I think we can manage w/ just one BIG cooler. And, hopefully, it's not too far to get ice everyday. But I can't see bringing a dorm fridge for just 5 days. LOL!

I'm all caught up on laundry. So packing the clothes won't be a problem. Last week, I was able to score a couple air mattresses on clearance at the evil Wal-mart. But I still need to find bedding.

I'm so excited to touch and feel all the carriers I've only read about. I'm psyched about meeting so many icons of the BWing world. Their creative talent is amazing. I'm nervous that my online buddies will decide they don't like me IRL.....